Dr. Wayne Kao, PSY24143 is a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in the Pasadena area of California. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Intensive Psychology at UC Santa Cruz in December 2002, home of the Banana slugs, and his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in July 2008. His passion for psychology began at the age of 15, when he enrolled in a high school psychology course. A peer counseling opportunity solidified his passion for helping others find their own path to success and happiness, and he never looked back. Through his own struggles in finding his place in the world, Dr. Kao dedicates his work to helping others do the same without having to be alone in the process.
In addition to his private practice, Dr. Kao currently holds several positions in the Pasadena, Los Angeles, and Irvine areas:
1) Associate Clinical Director at CHE Health Services
2) Adjunct faculty at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Los Angeles and Irvine
3) Adjunct faculty at Pasadena City College, teaching Asian American Psychology
Dr. Kao has experience working with children and families, the Department of Children and Family Services, crisis intervention and domestic violence.